Teeth Whitening FAQs
Teeth Whitening FAQs
What is Teeth Whitening?
As the term suggests, teeth whitening is the process of making your teeth lighter in colour through bleaching. The process does not make the teeth brilliantly, white, but it can lighten the colour by a few shades.
Who Does Teeth Whitening?
Given the fragile nature of this process, teeth whitening is considered a form of dentistry that should only be done by either a regulated dental professional like a qualified dentist, dental therapist, dental hygienist, or a party prescribed by the dentist.
Some beauty salons provide teeth whitening services, but if there’s no dental professional available, it’s considered illegal. Also, you can do teeth whitening on your own using DIY kits, but the risk is usually not worth it.
What Occurs During Teeth Whitening?
To have your teeth whitened properly, you will need to make a few visits to your dentist over the course of several months. The dental expert will take an impression of your teeth and create a mouthguard as well as advise you on how to use it alongside bleaching gel.
When using this mouthguard, you’ll apply the bleaching gel for a specified period over the course of two to four weeks. Some bleaching gels can be left on for several hours at a time, which drastically reduces the treatment period up to one week.
Another popular form of teeth whitening is laser whitening, also referred to as power whitening. During this process, a bleaching agent is painted on the teeth and a laser of light is shone on it to activate the whitening. This technique takes around an hour.
Can Any Dentist Perform Teeth Whitening?
As long as the practitioner is registered with the General Dental Council, they can perform teeth whitening. Registered dental hygienists and dental therapists can also do teeth whitening, but they require a dentist’s prescription. If you need to get in contact with a dentist whether for teeth whitening or any other treatment see ‘dentist in Fleet‘
What About Beauty Salons and DIY Teeth Whitening Kits?
It’s advisable to stick to registered dental professionals when it comes to bleaching teeth as it is illegal to undertake the process using an unqualified professional, like those in beauty salons. Also, home kits tend to carry substantial risks and are usually not worth it when your oral health is on the line.
What are the Risks of Beauty Salons and Home Kits Teeth Whitening?
Some DIY teeth whitening kits do not have adequate products to do the job in a satisfactory and effective manner. In addition, if a dental professional isn’t, the mouthguard available may not fit you properly, leading to gel leaks, which can result in blistering and sensitivity in other parts of the mouth.
Teeth whitening in a salon with untrained individuals is not only illegal but also puts your oral health at risk.
Is Teeth Whitening Available on the National Health Service?
Teeth whitening is available on the NHS, but only if there’s a medical reason to prompt it. An example is the need to lighten discoloured teeth because a nerve has died. Otherwise, you can only have the process done by a dentist or dental professional privately, as it is considered a cosmetic form of treatment. Also, costs vary substantially, with laser whitening being the most expensive form.
What Should You Ask Your Dentist During Teeth Whitening?
Given your oral health is on the line, do not be afraid to ask simple questions regarding the whitening options available, whether the treatment is guaranteed for a particular period as well as the results you can expect.